Rethink how you plan curriculum and schedule resources
Smart technology that empowers your timetablers to provide the right schedule for everyone

Easily support a blend of traditional and emerging learning models

Balance ease-of-use with management of complex scheduling constraints

Increase collaboration through transparent resource and curriculum planning

Improve wellbeing with schedules that enable individual engagement and choice

Efficiently create consensus around timetabling and curriculum decisions

An on-line timetable solution for universities and colleges

Dedicated team of experienced consultants reduce business costs, and accelerate deployment.

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Institutions worldwide trust Semestry
Experience the best scheduling management software
Customer testimonials
Improving faculty and student experiences with their schedules
“The timetabling staff on the project team can’t wait to move to the new TermTime system, they see how much time and effort will be saved on timetabling. The users love it.”
Darren Geary, Project Manager, University of York
“We need the flexibility to provide rapid changes in schedules and switch to online class options for students still abroad, while those here are taught face-to-face.”
Tracey Boston, Head of Operations & Strategic Planning, Bloomsbury Institute
“We’re excited to partner with Semestry for our timetable solution, Semestry’s rich functionality will enable us to look across all timetables, including both courses and exams, so we can deliver individualised timetables that meet every student’s needs and allow them to perform at their best.”
Katie Felton, Exams Manager, City, University of London
“With 1000’s of timetable change requests in our peak months, TermTime helps us respond much faster. We’ve engaged a wider constituency across campus, so making a simple change is now more immediate, this no longer needs to be routed through central services. We have cut time from the process and better aligned with the departments who own and can now make these changes. Our stakeholders understand more about how timetabling works in balancing needs and this is creating new perspectives for staff schedules and for the student experience”
Richie Hutchinson, Head of Timetabling, University of Northumbria
“Our goal is a digital-first overlay to everything we do. We are achieving this with the Semestry MyTimetable solution, and our team of expert timetablers now collaborate using Semestry TermTime with stakeholders across the entire academic community to produce the highest learner-centricity we can in delivering the right timetables for students.”
Emma Ieda-Smith, Manager, Central Timetabling Team Arden University
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Percent of the world covered by super fast servers with dedicated bandwidth
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Records/sec high speed integration, tailored for each organisation
Generation. Instantaneous queries, unified database and exceptional resilience